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Safety Seal being given to Contis at SM Taytay

The Safety Seal Certification is a voluntary certification scheme that affirms that an establishment is compliant with the minimum public health standards set by the government and uses or integrates its contact tracing application.

Base on Section 2 of DOLE-DOH-DILG-DOT-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular No. 20-01 Series of 2021, the Safety Seal shall be valid for six (6) months from the date of issue, except those issued to tourism businesses that are valid for one (1) year. The Safety Seal is renewable subject to continued compliance with the eligibility requirements set forth herein.

We encourage private establishments to also apply for their free Safety Seal with the aim of increasing customers' confidence that your establishment is safe.

To register, you may scan the QR code below 

Scan to register for Taytay's Safety Seal.
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